Elim Christian College’s Board

The Elim Christian College Board consists of parent elected members, a staff-elected member and a student-elected member.  In addition to this, there are Proprietor’s selected members who also serve on the Board and have all the rights and obligations of other Board members.  The Proprietors members have the responsibility of ensuring the Special Character is upheld.

2024 Board Members:

Presiding Member: Dr Lehan Stemmet (Parent elected member)

Deputy Presiding Member: Richard King (Parent elected representative)

Stuart Oxford (Proprietor selected member)

Adam Green (Proprietor selected member)

Jules Lotu-Iiga (Parent elected member)

Hanneke Aish (Parent elected member)

Michael McKenzie (Staff elected member)

Mr Julian Adamson (Principal)

Alayna Finlay (Student Representative)

The Board operates the following committees

  • Finance
  • Personnel / Student Wellbeing
  • Discipline
  • Health and Safety

The Board Presiding Member may be contacted
– directly by email: elimbotchair@elim.school.nz, or
– via the BOT secretary: Raewyn.Openshaw@elim.school.nz

The Board and Staff have set out the Strategic Plan for 2024-2025.

2025 BOT Monthly Meetings:

12 February
13 March
8 May
12 June
14 August
11 September
13 November

Venues for the meetings may change from month to month, please email BOT Secretary raewyn.Openshaw@elim.school.nz prior to a meeting to confirm venue if you wish to attend.

All monthly meetings start at 6pm.

Board minutes can be viewed at request from the school office.


Board Policies

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